Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Dajeong Choi / Unit 5. Clssfication essay / thur 34


Food Color and Nutrition


             How do you get your plate colorful every day? Nutrition provided by many food items depend on their color. It means we can use color of food to identify the nutrition that they provide. Since different colors provide various kind of nutrition it is healthier to consume a colorful variety of food items and keep a balanced diet. 3 main color groups; orange or yellow, blue or purple and red are identified for food and nutrition

             Some orange or yellow vegetables, such as pumpkin and summer squash, contain the phytonutrient, lutein, which helps protect against degeneration of eye structure with aging. Citrus fruits like oranges are not a good source of vitamin A. They are an excellent source of vitamin C and folate, a B vitamin that helps reduce risk of birth defects. These color group foods are usually colored by natural plant pigments called carotenoids. Scientists have reported that carotenoid-rich foods can help in strengthening the immune system that may prevent heart diseases and improve the visual functions of a human body.

             Anthocyanins in the blue or purple colored food items help maintaining the health of the urinary tracts and are good for healthier functioning of kidneys. These food items are also good for preventing chances of certain forms of cancer, stroke and heart disease. Other studies have shown that eating more blueberries is linked with improved memory function and healthy aging. Examples would be blueberries, black currents, dried plums, purple grapes etc.

Red color contains lycopene and anthocyanins. This color group includes cranberries, red apples, blood oranges, red onions and red potatoes etc. The functions performed by red foods are similar to the blue group as they support a healthy memory, improve the urinary tract health and prevent certain cancers. Lycopene in tomatoes, watermelon and pink grapefruit, for example, may help reduce risk of several types of cancer, especially prostate cancer. Anthocyanins in strawberries, raspberries, red grapes and other fruits and vegetables act as powerful antioxidants that protect cells from damage. Antioxidants are linked with keeping our hearts healthy, too.

             Now you now have a good idea about how healthy your diet is and thus you must begin to improve your intake of nutrients by adjusting the color balance of your food intake and maintain a healthier and more balanced life. The trick is to include as many plant-based colors in your daily diet as possible. So, try to avoid peeling fruits like an apple again and again and fill your plate with orange, yellow, blue, purple and red colored fruits and vegetables.



  1. Wow, you seem like an expert of food color! I clearly see you really did a thorough research!!

    Your main point seems to be "three categories of food color".

    I know they are necessary for your writing, difficult words such as "phytonutrient", "lutein", "urinary tracts", "lycopene", and "anthocyanins" weren't very clear to me. But I see that you really tried to explain about these words as much as possible, so I think they are fine.

    You already did a great job, so I think there is no big problem with your writing.

    But to point out just one sentence, "it is healthier to consume a colorful variety of food items and keep a balanced diet," for me the part of "a colorful variety of food" seemed a bit awkward. It will be great if you can change that part to "various kinds of food with different colors" or so.

    Overall, your writing contains so many useful informations! I really enjoyed your writing!!

  2. It`s interesting that you categorize it by a food color. And you classified the nutritions very well. And the conclusion repeats many important ideas efficiently. But I think that you`d better to explain the information what each of nutritions is.
