Monday, March 12, 2012

Seongyool,Myung/TV:Could you live without it?/Thu 11:00-13:00

Seongyool, Myung / TV: Could you live without it? / Thursday 11:00-13:00


TV is one of the indispensable things in this modern world. My mother and sister are a little bit addicted to it, some of my friends can't keep on their talk without talking about TV programs, and most of the celebrities live on it. Then, can I live without this powerful thing?

First off, we have to divide the meaning of the question. The question can mean either A: Could you live in a world where there is no TV or B: Could you live without watching TV? I'm going to answer to these 2 situations.

All right, Situation A – I can definitely live in a world where there's no TV. I'm not a TV person. Lying down on the couch, touching the remote control, and eating chips don't appeal to me. I like the things that make me physically busy, like doing exercise and talking to somebody. By not watching TV I can save some time for doing other activities that are more productive. At the same time I don't even feel like I'm cut off talking with people who mostly talk about TV programs. Well, it would be my ideal world.

Situation B – This could make my life a little harder. People watch TV as long as they can get electricity. And even if they watch it for a short time, they'll talk about the events that happen yesterday or that will happen tomorrow, celebrities, commercial films, etc. Reading newspapers would not be enough. What newspapers say is not as live as what TV says. The TV shows about which people will talk would not be understood by me. Commercial? People talk about it, yes, they say they should buy something because they like it or the model who's on it. I already have some problem when talking people and suddenly soap opera came up as the topic. I'm a total idiot for that. So if I might find myself hard to talk to people very often, and it can make me isolated.

Those are the plausible situations for the question above. TV is not always necessary in my life, but sometimes it can be very important for my social life.


  1. Jung Se Ra : It's very interesting to devide one question into two different perspectives. So, I could focus on this essay easier. However, ansering the second question is no clear, I think. The question is "Could you live without watching TV?", but you don't sugest any clear answer. Of course, I can understand what you mean, but I can misunderstand your answer. So, it's recommendable for you to say your intention at first. Anyway, interesting story! C U~~:-D

  2. Jung Se Ra : It's very interesting to devide one question into two different perspectives. So, I could focus on this essay easier. However, answering the second question is not clear, I think. The question is "Could you live without watching TV?", but you don't suggest any clear answer. Of course, I can understand what you mean, but I could misunderstand your answer. So, it's recommendable for you to say your intention at first. Anyway, interesting story! C U~~:-D


    As Sera Jung mentioned above, I want to praise your intention to separate the topic into two different situations and suggest appropriate answer for each situations. I can see your devotion and efforts to the question by that analysis. But I think you should try to use more formal vocabulary to offer more specific and detailed ideas. Except for that, your writing is interesting and persuasive.

  4. It was very impressive you supposed two situations of life without tv. I also wrote about same topic but I was not far enough to think of that. But there's one thing unclear. So what you say is eventhough you can live in the world without tv but can't live simply don't watch it? I think if you strengthen your conclusion more, it would be much more easy to understand! :) Thanks for sharing your essay with us.

  5. TV is one of the indispensable things in this modern world. My mother and sister are a little bit addicted to it, some of my friends can't keep on their talk without talking about TV programs, and most of the celebrities live on it. Then, can I live without this powerful thing?

    First off, we have to divide the meaning of the question. The question can mean either A: Could you live in a world where there is no TV or B: Could you live without watching TV? I'm going to answer to these 2 situations.

    All right, Situation A – I can definitely live in a world where there's no TV. I'm not a TV person. Lying down on the couch, touching the remote control, and eating chips don't appeal to me. I like the things that make me physically busy, like doing exercise and talking to somebody. By not watching TV I can save some time for doing other activities that are more productive. At the same time I don't even feel like I'm cut off talking with people who mostly talk about TV programs. Well, it would be my ideal world.

    Situation B – This could make my life a little harder. I would be in a bad conversation problem when I talk to other people in a world human beings always need communications. People watch TV as long as they can get electricity. And even if they watch it for a short time, they'll talk about the events that happen yesterday or that will happen tomorrow, celebrities, commercial films, etc. Reading newspapers would not be enough. What newspapers say is not as live as what TV says. The TV shows about which people will talk would not be understood by me. Commercial? People talk about it, yes, they say they should buy something because they like the song or the model who's on it. I already have some problem when talking people and suddenly TV shows come up as the topic. I'm a total idiot for that. So if I might find myself hard to talk to people very often, and it can make me think I'm isolated.

    Those are the plausible situations for the question above. TV is not necessary in my life, but sometimes it can be very important for my social life.
