Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Lee ShinHye/3rd essay/Volcano eruption/Thurs 3-4

Haver you heard about "buried city", Pompeii? After think layers of ash from volcano eruption covered the city, it was abandoned and eventually its name and location were forgotten. However, that catastrophic story is not far from the present time. Volcanoes occur all over the world. In fact, somewhere in the world, on average, 11-17 volcanoes are erupting, even though many of them are located under the ocean. Volcanoes can destroy entire cities, shape the land, and even erupt under the oceans. Then, what make colvanoes erupt? volcanic eruptions are normally summarized with three processes: intense pressures, hot spot and subduction.
First of all, the interior of earth consists of mostly molten rock covered by a thin crust. As many people had heard many times at geology classes of their middle schools, if the earth were an apple, the crust would correspond to the skin, the flesh to the mantle of elastic rock, and the apple core to the earth's core. Much of the interior's characteristic is a melted elastic state. This material is under pressure, since the closer to the extremely hot core, the greater the gravitational forces are pressing on it. And magma, the molten rock, contains gasses, as well. However, the gasses are shaped in solution by the intense pressures. Still, it is constantly trying to find ways to escape to more vulnerable point of the crust. so, the cracks are found in the crust, an eruption is available to occur.
Then, hot spots are the secondary cause of volcanic eruptions. As illustrated above, in some places, the pressure is greater and the crust is thinner than otehr points. Weak points allow the magma to spurt to the surface in an eruption. Those kinds of examples would be Hawaii andYellowstone National Park in the U.S. In case of Hawaii, an island, a series of islands were created by a hot spot and geologic plates' movement due to plate tectonics. Those series of islands rose from deep beneath the ocean. So, the height from base to summit of Hawaii is similar to that of Mt. Everest. Another hot spot case is Yellowstone National Park. Because its crust its much thicker, the bursting was not impossible, so an enormous magma chamber beneath the surface was created.
Lastly, subduction is the major cause of volcano eruptions. As tectonic plates move, denser rock slides underneath lighter rock slides. Through this process, the rock is heated by the friction and the heat rising from below. This makes molten rock move closely to the surface, and again it will look for weaknesses in order to escape, like hot spot cases. When it finds a weakness, an eruption may occur. The process continues, as does the hot spot process.
Because people cannot notice or expect the interior movement before volcano eruption, we do think the volcano erupted all of a sudden. However, with very sloe and long period movement, there had been steady and powerful movement inside of the earth. Through several reasons, intense pressure insider thin crust, hot spot and subduction, volcano eruptions may occur. In human time, the eruption seems like an impromptu disaster, but it is a long-standing movement in earth time.


  1. oopse, think->thick on 2st sentence..

  2. Peer Feedback Sheet
    To_ Lee ShinHye_________ From Alex___ Assignment _ Volcano eruption________
    1. What I like about this piece of writing is __the hook is quite interesting.
    2. Your main point seems to be _good logic.
    3. These particular words or lines struck me as powerful:
    Words or lines I like them because
    Erupt it creates the feeling of volcano
    Subduction a well matched technical word
    “ … people cannot notice or expect …” this does clear understanding that nature is unpredictable by some reasons.
    4. Some things aren’t clear to me. These lines or parts could be improved (meaning not clear, supporting points missing, order seems mixed up, writing not lively):
    Lines or parts Need improving because
    __ _ sloe _ ________may be – slow is more matched
    ____ impromptu_ could be also replaced by the extemporaneous_____
    5. The one change you could make that would make the biggest improvement in this piece of writing is I l liked this essay.
    This is a great essay, because now I know the reasons of volcano eruption. It made me more literate toward this topic. From point of view everything is ok, but may be double check could help to avoid some grammatical mistakes in writing the words. I enjoyed reading.

  3. Have you ever heard about "buried city", Pompeii? After thick layers of ash from volcano eruption covered the city, it was abandoned and eventually its name and location were forgotten. However, that catastrophic story is not far from the present time. Volcanoes occur all over the world. In fact, somewhere in the world, on average, 11-17 volcanoes are erupting, even though many of them are located under the ocean. Volcanoes can destroy entire cities, shape the land, and even erupt under the oceans. Then, what make volcanoes erupt? Volcanic eruptions are normally summarized with three processes: intense pressures, hot spot and subduction.

    First of all, the interior of earth consists of mostly molten rock covered by a thin crust. As most people had heard many times at their middle school geology classes, if the earth were an apple, the crust would correspond to the skin, the flesh to the mantle of elastic rock, and the apple core to the earth's core. Much of the interior's characteristic is a melted elastic state. This material is under pressure, since the closer to the extremely hot core, the greater the gravitational forces are pressing on it. And magma, the molten rock, contains gasses, as well. However, the gasses are shaped in solution by the intense pressures. Still, it is constantly trying to find ways to escape to more vulnerable point of the crust. So, the cracks are found in the crust, an eruption is available to occur.

    Then, hot spots are the secondary cause of volcanic eruptions. As illustrated above, in some places, the pressure is greater and the crust is thinner than other points. Weak points allow the magma to spurt to the surface in an eruption. Those kinds of examples would be Hawaii and Yellowstone National Park in the U.S. In case of Hawaii, an island, a series of islands were created by a hot spot and geologic plates' movement due to plate tectonics. Those series of islands rose from deep beneath the ocean. So, the height from base to summit of Hawaii is similar to that of Mt. Everest. Another hot spot case is Yellowstone National Park. Because its crust is much thicker, the bursting was not impossible, so an enormous magma chamber beneath the surface was created.

    Lastly, subductions are the major cause of volcano eruptions. As tectonic plates move, denser rock slides underneath lighter rock slides. Through this process, the rock is heated by the friction and the heat rising from below. This makes molten rock move closely to the surface, and again it will look for weaknesses in order to escape, like hot spot cases. When it finds a weakness, an eruption may occur. The process continues, as does the hot spot process.

    Because people cannot notice or expect the interior movement before volcano eruption, we do think the volcano erupted all of a sudden. However, with very slow and long period movement, there had been steady and powerful movement inside of the earth. Through several reasons, intense pressure insider thin crust, hot spot and subductions, volcano eruptions may occur. In human time, the eruption seems like a sudden disaster, but it is a long-standing movement in earth time.
